Saturday, September 12, 2009

Question 1 results

L= Leadership class
R= Random selection
S= Social Studies class

1.what do you think about the current way in which of students are selected for involvement in school leadership, like school council and student council?

-people should vote(L)
- I don't know(R2 S11)
- Because leadership is mainly a class, there can be problems with people just taking the class for credits and not really making an attempt to actually do leadership projects and pursuits(R)

- I think it is perfect , any student is allowed to be a part of student leadership is good because those who really care, join and those who don't usually don't.(S)
- whoever wants to do it , should do it(S)
-current ways of selection are good . most students know of school leadership option(S)
-Its ok , don't know much about it.(S)
- sweet(S)
- its good ,(S4
-it is pretty fair to all students(S)
-there could be more involvement(S)
- I would never go in leadership its not my thing (S2)
- I enjoy the many was in which events are opened up to the school and people are selected.(R)

Question 2 results

2. What changes would you like to see happen to get more students involved in school leadership?

- More incentives for students(L)
-more opportunities for students outside of leadership to take part in activities around the school and have more say (2L)
-Tell more people about it(L .S)
-make posters and slide shows that will get people interested.(L)
-make it more fun(4L.S3)
-have more activities that the whole school can have(2L)
- leadership class field trips(L)
- fun activities(L.S2)
-Pep rallies(L)
- more than one leadership class a year (L)
- tell students about scholarships (L)
-participate in school events(L)
- motivate students to participate(L)
- more promotion(2L)

- don't know(S2)

- goto every class and ask and get to know the students then make a choice.(S)


-to not have it a CTS coarse(S)

- make sure meetings and such are always announced so those who change their minds still have the opportunity to.(S)


- more fund raisers , allot of people like to do them(S)

-more ways to get all students involved and ways they would enjoy(S)

- tell students what it involves(S)

-actually listen to what we say(S)

-Announces it over the intercom(S)

-advertise the program(S)

- have different people plan different events(S)

- don't care as long as people can chose to be a part of leadership(S)

-tell more students about council(S)

- Talk to all students and ask them if they want to be apart of the student council or some sort of leadership(S)


-A weekly small event would aid people in getting more people invoved

- Try and create an extra curricular leadership with a student or teacher leading that has strong organizational skills. Then those who would like change in their school may more easily invoke change and get them selfs involved. (R)
- more influential less in pursuit of school events(R)
- more promotion or info on leadership activities(2R)
-more information about what the class is(R)

Question 3 results

3. What are some issues that are facing students in this school right now?

-Majority can't afford any extra activities and trips .(2L)
- bulling (5L,S3)
- Grade 10's still don't feel comfortable in High School(2L)
- Crowed hallways and stairs(4L)
- no friends in classes(L)
-no friends(2L)
- not enough breaks between classes or not long enough too short (L.S2)
-peer pressure(3L)
-racism and stereotypes(L)


-teachers who play favorites dosnt seem right(S)

-dont know(S5)

-bell schedule its confusing and students are always late even if teachers dont get it.(S)

-bell times (S)

luch is too short(S)

- new timetable(S4)

- lots of students don't want the STAT every wednesday(S)

-violence (S)

- no dances(S)

- students often seem to lack school spirit which often causes low interest in school programs.(R)
-Poor scheduling (2R)
- no music program, even as a non class activity (instruments and band room for use)(2R)



bad attitudes(R)


- skipping class and howework(S)

-not enjoying the long 100 minute blocks and think its silly how we are swiching block A and B

Question 4 Results

4. What do you think about having a student’s council that represents the students and discusses the issues facing students in the school and how to bring about change?

- I like the idea but there has been people in the council that know what other students want(L)
- Gives students a chance to practice their leadership at that level will really help them in the long run(L)
- Good idea(12L)
- not well(L)
- bad idea the student council if voted would turn into a popularity contest(L)
- good idea only if it had a wide variety of people to represent all students not just certain cliques i.e the populars(L)
- I believe that councils are a great idea , the students should be from all races, genders and groups.(L)

- I believe it is a good idea , but difficult to represent, often a few student demographics or "cliques" control a council and the other opinions are lost. People of all perspectives need to be involved before starting.(R)
- Great idea(2R)
-good idea but it is hard to motivate people to take it up unfortunately most people do not like change(R)
- Great idea but should bring forth questions from the students.(R)

-good idea(S10)

-don't know(S4)

- as long as they are doing it properly and not just asking certain students(S)

-good for the students of the school(S)

- student body's views can be heard(S)

-everytime I write what i think nothing ever changes(S)

-I think it is a good idea because the students should have some say in what happens in the school(S)

-shouldn't they be doing that already?(S)

-helps a certain amount of students(S)

- it would be like a democracy and it would help students open up and the problem would be solved(S)

- we need a perment student council to really bring change(S)

- may be have an election(S)

-for the size of the group of people they do a good job, however there are groups who are not represented(R)

Suggestions 1

1. Make CTS leadership modules available to take through outreach. It could be done by following a similar program as what I have using the internet and blogger.

Agree 13L + 3R +S19 = 35 T

Disagree 5L+2R+S4=11T

-this does not allow other people to display their leadership abilities(R)
-leadership should be done in groups and not alone(S)
- it would be difficult for students to do surveys or most things some one would do in leadership(S)
- yes because regular classes often interfere with trying to do actual class(R)
-sounds beneficial allowing the same opportunities to students in public school(R)
- disagree because I believe that leadership is about doing stuff in and for the school and if they were not they could not take part(L)
- wont accomplish much (L)
- students in outreach wont be getting nearly the same education needs to stay in a class (L)
- easy credits and could be fun(L)
-people will not be as involved as in class(2L)

Suggestion 2

2. Make student leadership opportunities known to entire student body i.e announcements, posters excreta

Agree 18L+5R+S23= 46T

Disagree 1L+R+S2=3T


-internet is available for everyone not just some(S)
-not enough advertising about the program(S)
-all the students should know about these opportunities(S)
-no one cares(S)
- Will help with getting more people involved in leadership(L)
-lack of student involvement(R)
-could make it more appealing(L)
-this is the only way to revitalize the program. It also helps with accurate representation of perspectives.(R)
-currently leadership oppertunities are hidden to the general public(R)

Suggestion 3

3. Have student leaders report back to student body or appropriate group i.e . through blogs(see schoolcouncil blog), meetings excreta

Agree 15L+4R+S18=37T

disagree 3L+R+S6=9T


- don't know if if I would take the time to look at the blog(S2)
-assembles no one would check blogs(S2)
- many people would not see blog posters and announcements also are a good idea for reporting back(S)
- could be a nuisance(L)

- education /society is turning into cyber technology blogs and websites are a great idea, I don't think meetings are a good idea because of low turnouts(L)

- nobody would waste there time on a school blog(L)
-I think blogs are dangerous because the internet does have issues with interpretation through only words. Announcements would inform students in a more efficient time frame.(R)
-this still leaves a group of people not accounted for(R)

Suggestion 4

4. Involve students in the selection process of student leadership i.e. elected student council, selecting a student representative for school council

Agree 13L+3R+S19=35T

Disagree 5L+2R+S5=12T


-when it becomes a competition many people who just like the idea of winning will run to be elected even if they don't care about the issues at hand(S)

-that would take too long and he/she may have lots of friends that would vote for them(S)
-agree because then the students are being represented by their peers and the right voices are being heard(L)

- it would be a popularity contest(LR)

- don't think most people care (2L)
- students might elect their friends(L)
- some students may not take it seriously and just make a joke of it.
-make sure it is not a popularity contest(L)
-Teachers often use the qualities of students and are usually able to select in this way with less bias(R)
- I don't know if people would be interested(R)
-It would liven up the process and a means to keep people involved(R)

SGCHS Infromation About Leadership

1. What types of leadership courses does your school offer if any?

Leadership 15,25 & 35 levels are offered at SGCHS.

2. What types of opportunities for leadership are there available to students?
Students are given formal training on aspects of leadership (ex. intra personal knowledge, interpersonal knowledge, dealing with diversity, team building, etc.). Students are also given the opportunity to implement the knowledge they personally have as well as that which they have learned in class to plan and deliver whole school projects for the entire school population.

3. How do student leaders interact with student body?

Student leaders interact with the student body mostly through the whole school projects they plan.

4. How are students involved in the selection process for student council and school council representative?

Student council is included in the leadership class and they plan for all of the student activities over the course of the year. The students in leadership are the representatives.


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